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FloMonster - Free Hydraulic Calculator 

FloMonster is a hydraulic calculator I wrote for the City of San Diego in 1999.  They wanted to buy many dozens of seats of FlowMaster only to use to calculate Normal Depth.

Over twenty year later, while doing some systems evaluations for them, I noticed an icon on their standard desktop:  "Is that FlowMonster?!!"  "Yes."  "Do you still use it?"  "Absolutely."  I didn't know whether to be flattered or horrified.  I chose both.

Last time I checked, it still works.  But I don't recommend using it.  It's now twenty-five years old.

It did save the City six-figures of taxpayer dollars (some of them mine).

Key Benefits

  • Manning's Normal Depth Calculator
  • Results can be saved to tab-separated file (easily imports to spreadsheets).

To download a self-extracting setup file for FloMonster, click flomonzip.exe (~2.8 MB)

Last updated: 2/27/01, v. 1.0.2.

FloMonster Snapshot

Win98/Windows 2000 Help

Preview the functionality of FloMonster by download the Windows98/Windows 2000 help file, right-mouse click flomonster.chm (~60 kB) to save to your hard drive.

(Unless you have Windows 98, Windows 2000, or  Internet Explorer 4.x+ (and hhctrl.ocx) this may not view well on your machine.  If that's the case, you'll need the Win95/NT help file which is included in the FloMonster download).

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Last modified: July 25, 2013