Training Manuals

Training Manuals

Improved: the 8.9 Manuals (works for v8.7 through v8.9)

Note:  InRoads v8.9 runs on MicroStation v8 2004, MicroStation XM and AutoCAD.

These Manuals are written for v8.9, but work just as well for version v8.7 and v8.8.

Self-Taught vs. Instructor-led:  My original manuals were written primarily for instructor-led training.  The new manuals are designed as self-taught, with better-organized and chapter-based datasets.

v8.9 Manuals are based on CalTrans English Standards where appropriate (note: there will be deviations as CalTrans hasn't fixed some of the standards and in some cases improvements are necessary).

The InRoads Training Manual Library

Update Manuals

  • Designing InRoads: the New InRoads Roadway Designer
  • Mastering S&S Delta v8.5-8.9


InRoads Administration and Settings

InRoads Administration is a critical responsibility but it is critical that Everyone not spend a great deal of time on it.  A single resource in an office should bear responsibility for maintaining, managing and distributing InRoads Settings.  Everyone else should spend most of their time doing engineering or plans production.  

In class, Settings concepts and end user's responsibilities must be thoroughly understood, but your class time and enthusiasm are too valuable to waste in setting up symbology for each command in class  (unless you are having Administration Training).  The class designer should have done this already for you (much like your more experienced office collaborators will already have set up preferences).  

InRoads Administration and Settings is one of those "spurious and esoteric" details.  New Users should not spend a great deal of time changing the thousands of Settings in InRoads.  Here's a good Rule of Thumb for new users working in a managed environment:  Hit a command's Apply button.  If the resulting graphics do not look right, Hit the command's Preference button.  Look for a suitably named pre-defined Preference.  Apply the command again.  If no pre-defined Preferences exist, contact the InRoads Administrator.  If the InRoads Administrator is not available, make the changes, save the changes in a Preference with an "update" flag and notify the InRoads Administrator so that he can distribute the change.

Our InRoads Manuals are not just about knowledge, they're about wisdom.  

Instilling Good Technique.  Making your data self-documenting.  The lessons in our InRoads Courseware extend beyond just the buttons you push, they extend to the projects you'll be sharing for years.

Instructor-Led or Self-Study

While there is tremendous amounts of information in these manuals, the user is constantly interacting with the software from well-highlighted user instructions.  Narrative and background can be easily skipped.  This, combined with the fact that the "dull and boring" software overhead and trivia is relegated to the end of the course, makes learning InRoads or Storm&Sanitary from these manuals a surprisingly enjoyable and inviting experience.

Seduce additional staff into the InRoads workflow

These manuals show the power of software first, trivia much later (that makes it fun and inviting).  Eight hours of Exploring InRoads will have a drafter working directly from the InRoads data producing Plan, Profile, Cross Section and report data.  Add eight hours of Building InRoads and he is using the basic commands to build surfaces, geometry and roads.  Another eight hours add more sophisticated skills, and so on.

Click on the manuals below for more information.



Exploring InRoads (Part I of Mastering InRoads) Building InRoads (Part II of Mastering InRoads)
Learn to Evaluate InRoads data models, create graphics and identify problems. Learn to Engineer InRoads models, create data and FIX problems.


Mastering Storm&Sanitary Building Site
Building Site
Master the "Dry" (Layout, Evaluation, Drafting) and "Wet" (Hydraulic) Workflows

The Primary  Modeling commands for those using InRoads Site.



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